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Data Privacy Agreement

PocketDuelist takes the protection of your user data very seriously and aims to have the highest standards for securing those against malicious use.
Encryption (SSL)
The webservice is ONLY accessible using a secure encrypted HTTP connection to protect against any harmful and illegal sniffing.
The webservice only stores Cookies that do not contain any personal user data.
Server Logs
The providing server for the website logs the following information:
  • Webbrowser (Name and Version)
  • Operating System
  • Referrer URL
  • IP-Address of the visitor
  • Date and time of the visit
Those information are only collected to keep the infrastructure up and running and to prevent any unauthorized access, malicious behaviours and DDoS attacks.
Contact for questions about your data
If you have any questions of requests about the data privacy agreement you can send an e-mail to privacy@pocketduelist.pw for further help.
Google Adsense
PocketDuelist is using Google Adsense for displaying advertisements on the page. By using the site you accept receiving cookies from Google Adsense.

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